понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

camelot golf course

So, once again, I think Iapos;m dying.
I have this fucking pain in my stomach again. I almost started crying during my last 2 class periods.

I also got an A+ on my Asylum project.
i just want to give a special thanks to Alex because she totally just like..gave me all the answers. XD

3 days in countinggggg.
Well, 4 now.
I�havenapos;t eaten a FULL�GOOD�HEALTHY�meal in that long.
I�didnapos;t eat at all during the weekend.
Last night when Rylan found out, and called me anorexic(which ISNapos;T�TRUE), I�ate bread.
It was...fine.
Gross but fine.
And then I ate a french fry

Thatapos;s it for today. XD
I miss the bus...
so I knew it was going to be a bad day.
Oh well...
tomorrow might be something new.

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article living will

Okay, I think I have it figgered now. Letapos;s see (and sorry for clogging up your f-list in this way)

But seriously, KichiMooapos;s trying to argue that evil only exists because humanityapos;s religious beliefs have influenced us in such a way as to make it so. I, being non-religious but still moral, am pretty well convinced that I wouldnapos;t beat up puppies even if I had been born in China, or Antarctica, or Mars, or where ever.

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best satellite radios

My events for this weekend:

I went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Mountain Viewapos;s Century Cinemas.� It is always a good time, but there was the difficulty of there not being a whole lot of people who were not "virgins".� It ment that a bunch of the callback lines got missed.� Still had a fun time.

Saturday evening was really cool.� I got to attend a hockey game with a friend of mine from an old job.� It gave me the chance to catch up a bit, plus the game was great.� The Sharks beat the Philadelphia Flyers in overtime 5-4.� The seats were upper level, but it was easier to watch the game as you could see all of the action.

Sunday was mostly sleeping in and cleaning house (badly needed).� I also got a chance to air some grievances.�� I am still not pleased about what has happened, but I have decided to move on.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

daniela stallinger

Today at work, this lady (who looked like black whitney greene) asked me if we had any childrenapos;s books with black characters.. And we donapos;t. Of course weapos;ve some shite in teen fiction but there are NO beginning childapos;s books anywhere.
iapos;m going to write an angry letter.
maybe just in my head.
cause i donapos;t always get around to things.
but to me itapos;s all the same because if you write a mental letter and put it out to the universe, people will pick it up.
although.. Possibly all the people in power are money hungry selfish bastards who completely lack the sensitivity for that kind of reception.
for the books a million grand opening, iapos;m dressing up like wild thing from where the wild things are. How fucking SICK is that? bring your camera, dog.
oooh iapos;m very excited.
tonight we got a shipment of books weapos;re allowed to have fo free and i got science experiments for the evil genius.
so thatapos;s pretty rad too.
all i do all day long is follow hot girls around the store. Iapos;m worse than a fucking pervy old man, i swear. And then when i do work, they tell me to walk around and be available to the masses. Hehhhh ehhhhhh. Nooooice.
why wonapos;t anyone place rock paper scissors slap with me? i want some sm fun.

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caspari inc.

OK, anybody who is into Japanese cartoony stuff. The printed version. Thatapos;s manga, right? I know nothing about this stuff.

Does anybody know if any of those thingies ever use poetry? Specifically, traditional Japanese forms of poetry (haiku/senryu, tanka, renga, haibun, etc.)? Even just in passing?

Iapos;m asking for a reason. Thereapos;s a method to my madness. Iapos;m teaching a poetry class this winter, to a bunch of 7-10 year olds, and Iapos;m considering focusing on the Japanese forms. If thereapos;s a way to tie it into those manga things that the kids are into these days, I figure so much the better. Will kids that young be into anything more Japanese-y seeming than Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh in the first place? In other words, am I embarking upon this wild goose chase for nothing?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
caspari inc., caspari invitation, caspari invitations.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

designing a house in ireland

Second week has come and gone..... Now its my school half term (yay) thats the real reason i joined up on to be a teacher (the holidays)
anyway this week went pretty well.. Starting to get more involved in the lessons, students feeling more and more comfortable being around me etc...

Not taught a proper lesson yet as such, but got one planned straight after half term with a yr10 class, should be interesting... Got my timetable sorted now... Im teaching a double period on monday morning and last lesson on a friday

Thats the end of me this week,,,, see u all on monday morning for 9 lol

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evans gambit chess

I am writing at 22:32 army time, or 10:32 p.m. As most of us know how to tell it.

Read galacticvoyeurapos;s most recent post (as of my writing) and lsandersonapos;s most recent post (as of my writing). Galacticvoyeurapos;s is so important that I have difficulty believing itapos;s not on the front page of a hundred different newspapers. Lsandersonapos;s will simply confirm stuff most of us were already aware of. The topic: Trying to steal the election by fraud. Galacticvoyeurapos;s link to "Itapos;s already stolen" (and note that this is a link, not galacticvoyeurapos;s on writing) needs to be read. Now.


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

esure insurance uk

I woke up crying with joy after this dream:

Iapos;m with members of my extended family in Knowle West, which is an area of Bristol with a bad reputation for violence, drugs and youth crime. Weapos;re all walking together on the pavement in the rain, and thereapos;s heavy traffic on the road in both directions. I leave the others behind and walk up a hill and get onto my motorbike, which is parked at the top of the hill in a pub car park, and then I ride the bike through heavy traffic to Bristol Airport.
The scene cuts and Iapos;m inside Bristol Airport where I see Jenny with Jonnel in a pushchair coming through customs. I give Jenny a cautious kiss on the cheek and pat Jonnel on the head when the scene cuts again, this time to the interior of a little red Renault Clio.
Jenny is learning to drive and Iapos;m in the passenger seat helping her to get some driving practice. We drive up Woodhill Road (it actually looks Pembroke Road in Bristol but itapos;s Woodhill Road in the dream) and Jenny is driving quite slowly on the wrong side of the road. I tell her to brake but she bumps very gently into a yellow rubbish skip (I think you call them dumpsters in the U.S.). The car is undamaged without even so much as a scratch and weapos;re all unhurt, and I help her with the steering wheel as she reverses back a bit, and then she gets into a forward gear and we continue along Nore Road to the Lake Grounds in Portishead. When we arrive at the Lake Grounds we get out of the car and put Jonnel into a pushchair, and then we go for a picnic next to the lake. Weapos;re sitting on my car blanket when I give Jonnel his first hug and cuddle from me, and Jenny is the other side of Jonnel as we have a three-way hug and cuddle. I tell Jonnel I love him and give him a kiss. He throws his arms around my neck and hugs me as I put my arms around him and his mother and kiss her on the lips. I woke up with tears of joy in my eyes, and when I was fully awake I let the tears flow.

Jenny and Jonnel, I love and adore you both so much. Xxx

I went to bed last night doubting the wisdom of asking them to marry me and wondering what I should do, and then I woke up crying with joy and knew the answer. Sod anyone elseapos;s opinion, Iapos;m marrying them They are MY family and I want them here with me where they belong. And as for some of the opinions expressed - a minority, I hasten to add - when I went to my youngest brotherapos;s 40th birthday meal last week: UP YOURS :-P
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